First Post and Trailer Breakdown
Hello, Internet! Welcome to my blog. I am the Flix Reviewer. Just a short intro before I delve into the recently leaked and then officially released Avengers : Age of Ultron trailer. From this blog, you can expect movie, TV show, and game reviews, along with the occasional trailer breakdown or my thoughts on a recently released piece of film news. One thing I should note is that THIS IS ALL OPINION! My opinion may differ from yours but everyone is entitled to their own. Happy Reading :)
OK, without further ado, lets take a look a what's going on in the new Avengers : Age of Ultron trailer:
Well, we start practically where every sequel action movie starts: with a shot of lots of destruction to show that this is darker than the original (because it is the new trend in Hollywood that sequels MUST BE DARKER. No exceptions).
We then get a look at presumably the creation of our villain, Ultron, an artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark gone bad. My opinion here is that this is the villain creating himself a new body to transfer his AI into as he does in the comics, as we see his body wrecked later in the trailer.
You know, it seems like Captain America is getting a new outfit every movie. He had that old WWII one, and then the Avengers outfit, then the blue one from "The Winter Soldier" and now this more armoured outfit for "Age of Ultron". Cap doesn't need to buy clothes, it is all just given to him by the government!
Next, we see the whole team in ruin but noticeably avoiding eye contact with Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner in particular. Perhaps he took the last pork chop at the last dinner gathering. Or maybe he hulked out and destroyed the city. Either one seems possible.
This is a great zombie-like reveal for big bad Ultron but, in the first picture, I just can't take my eyes off of that strange gym equipment in the corner! What exactly does that do?! Anyway, you can notice the Avengers logo on Ultron's chest which does hint at his origins as a creation of Tony Stark before he goes rogue.
We continue to get more hints of Banner losing himself throughout the trailer and how he may not be in charge of the beast anymore. Oh boy....
This is just some home movie footage of Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) moving into her new apartment. If it's part of the movie, the Avengers have been broken by this point as they consider how to tackle this threat.
New recruits Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver meet with the now-upgraded robot as they may be offering their services. They do start out as villains after all. Even still, they look surprisingly calm for facing down a robot killing machine.
Close-ups of Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson in their respective roles as brother and sister superheroes. There is no room for error on Marvel's part here because...well, go watch "X-Men : Days of Future Past" and look at THEIR Quicksilver.
We get a good look at Ultron's drone army as we see someone has been giving them swimming lessons.
Thor realises the scope of the threat and actually drops his hammer! Or hes just watching M.Night Shyamalan's "The Last Airbender" on a big screen. I'd be equally terrified personally.
Stark realises the horror of his creation, true Frankenstein style. Could this wrecked piece of armour be what is left of one of his suits after he destroyed them at the end of "Iron Man 3"?
Samuel L. Jackson returns as former SHIELD director Nick Fury, eyepatch and all. Didn't he burn that at the end of "The Winter Soldier?"
Scarlet Witch could be realising the error of her ways by seeing the destruction caused by her attack with Quicksilver and HYDRA. Her motivations are a massive part of the movie and are likely responsible for the siblings joining the Avengers in battle.
We get our first big close-up of the Hulk. That is incredible. Seriously, look at it! You can see the veins on his neck and shoulders!
But Stark is ready to put the big green monster down with the use of his new Hulkbuster armour. Seriously, what was the point of destroying all of his suits at the end of "Iron Man 3" if he was just going to rebuild them anyway? Notice the use of the Mark 42 technology in order to summon the suit to him. Mind you, that didn't work out too well last time for Tony as that armour was destroyed by everything, even trucks. OK, heres my theory on what is going on here. Either, Ultron is controlling the armour to turn Hulk on the Avengers or Iron Man is forced to put on the armour in order to stop Hulk after he loses control of his anger and begins to destroy the city. Could be anything else but those seem the most likely.
We get a look at Quicksilver's powers in action on a train in what is surely many of the film's many set-piece action sequences.
Now, here's something interesting. This man is Andy Serkis, not in motion-capture, but doing some acting in person. A recent theory to emerge online is that Serkis is playing Ulysses Klaw, a lesser-known Marvel villain and a primary villain of Black Panther, another Marvel hero. Are we building towards a Black Panther movie here? If so, it will be great to see Serkis in a villain role and, even if he is not Klaw, it's great to see him here.
I've got no idea as to what is going on here. Thor is breaking out of some rubble or ruin presumably after a battle with Ultron's drones but why is he shirtless? Was he beaten? Is he dead and in Asgard? Is he just taking a bath? We will find out on May 1st next year!
Aww, this is nice isn't it. She was terrified of the Hulk in the first film but it looks like she is getting over her fear and has formed some sort of connection with the great beast.
Oh, yeah, Hawkeye's in this movie too isn't he and, for once, is looking pretty awesome is what could be the opening battle of the movie against HYDRA, dodging explosions and in an outfit much closer to the comics than that shirtless, SHIELD costume from Avengers.
Thor's annoyed. Rightfully so as well. I mean, Stark's creation has only just began to take over the world using Stark's arsenal of weaponry and suits.
Remember how I said a truck destroyed that technology in "Iron Man 3"....Tony better have fixed that problem. It doesn't matter though because this fight looks awesome.
Isn't that shield meant to be unbreakable? Who could have done this? Who is so great and powerful that he can destroy Captain America's shield? I'll tell you who...
....this guy. What a way to end your trailer. I've got no idea how the Avengers are expected to best this villain and I can't wait to find out! Well, that's it for this trailer breakdown! I hope this was helpful and reviews are on the way soon! :)
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