A lot of movies right now are getting a lot of trailers and coverage (don't worry, there's a trailer roundup coming soon covering all of the things I've missed over the past while): Age of Ultron, Star Wars, Jurassic World, Inside Out, Chappie. Unfortunately, that means one particular movie has fallen under the radar. Can you guess which one? Well, if you can't, you're clearly not paying attention to the title. It's Disney's Tomorrowland. Remember that short 1 minute trailer that came out a long time ago. No? I'm not really that surprised if that's so. Nobody really knows what it's about or what the plot is going to be so nobody was paying attention. And that's really unfortunate given how incredible it is shaping up to be. In hindsight, it should have been much higher on my most anticipated movies list of the year, probably ahead of Terminator at least as, in my mind at least, it's shaping up to be one of the best movies of the year. Let me explain why...
1. The Cast
The cast of this movie is quite impressive indeed. Along with younger actors like Britt Robinson and Raffey Cassidy, veteran actors George Clooney and Hugh Laurie also feature in the flick as hero and villain Frank Walker and David Nix respectively. These actors should all be good signs. Actors as good as this who have been in this business for a long time do not sign on for just any movie. They have to read a sample of the script, talk to the director and be in weeks and even months of negotiations. The fact that they have agreed to appear should signal the makings of a modern classic, something Tomorrowland promises to be.
2. A Completely Original Concept
Be honest, can you think of one original concept coming out this year. A really original concept, that doesn't steal or borrow from lots of different things. Avengers, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Terminator. No matter how much I am looking forward to all of these movies, it will be more of the same. Minions. Basically more of every scene they were in in the first two "Despicable Me" movies. I could go on. But I won't because I can think of one, because it is undeniable that Tomorrowland is a new concept, quite unlike anything we've seen before. It is impossible to say that you have seen someone touch a pin and then immediately be transported to another world or dimension or....something. We do not know a lot of information about this movie but that only piques my interest even more. The very fact that we are not able to predict anything in the plot or what is going to happen, especially in this day and age, only serves to emphasise how original an idea this is and makes it worth a look, in my opinion.
3. Brad Bird
Brad Bird is the director of this particular flick. Why does he deserve a special place on this list, you might ask? Because this man has yet to put a foot wrong in this industry. Mainly working in animation, he has directed 4 feature films since 1999: The Iron Giant, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Those last 3 should be particularly good news, as all 3 are excellent and, from what I can recall, The Iron Giant is very good as well. An acclaimed director, well known for his original ideas and spectacular stories, it is difficult to doubt that he could fail now, especially with a film he has been working on since 2012!
4. Incredible Effects

Excellent visual effects are hardly something that can be especially related to one film, especially nowadays, but Tomorrowland's effects are really something to be marveled at. These are able to compete with the extremely high-budget releases this year by which I am referring to movies like Avengers: Age of Ultron and Star Wars which rely heavily on them. This is not just robots, lightsabres, lasers and everything in between, but rather a whole city, chock full of high-tech gadgetry, strange sights and the aforementioned robots. An impressive feat even by the standards of current movies, something that would be well worth checking out on the big screen (or possibly the even bigger screen of the IMAX).
5. The Simply Brilliant Trailer
Just watch it and you'll see what I mean:
I hope that I have at least made a case for Tomorrowland and why I think it will be able to stand its own against the most anticipated flicks of the year. Stay tuned for more posts coming soon!
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