Friday 28 November 2014

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Trailer Reaction

It's finally here! After months of waiting and speculation, J.J. Abrams and Disney have finally released the first trailer for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens!" Is it as nostalgic as the "Jurassic World" trailer? What do the cast look like? Does it even look good? Watch below (I'll put a link to the YouTube video for mobile users and anyone experiencing trouble) and then I'll tell you what I think.

Unlike "Jurassic World" and particularly "Pan," my thoughts when it comes to this are clear: it just looks really, really good. The trailer itself does not reveal a lot about the plot or narrative itself but, honestly, that's the way trailers should be. Trailers are there to get you excited for the movie by showing a bit of what is happening and snippets of the action rather than the whole thing. The biggest offender of showing the whole movie is the more recent "Amazing Spider-Man 2" which had a trailer that clocked in at 4 minutes! That gave Sony enough time to basically give away the entire plot of the movie! When I came out of seeing that one, I felt like I could have just watched the trailer and not had to pay to see it because it gave everything away! That's just one of the things this trailer did right so let's take a look at a few others.

Check out the new lightsabers! Sure they look cool but this villain is eventually going to cut his own hand off using this...
A few months ago, Disney released the main cast list for Star Wars: Episode VII (now subtitled "The Force Awakens") which included John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, the main original cast of Star Wars, Max von Sydow, and legendary motion-capture actor Andy Serkis. I had hoped to see the cast in full makeup in this trailer as was rumoured numerous times. Unfortunately, you don't always get what you want so we only see a few members of the cast and one is hiding his face! We see John Boyega in one of the new Stormtrooper outfits (a nice callback to the original), Daisy Ridley (I hadn't even heard of her before this) on a speeder, Oscar Isaac (maybe) in a starship,  and one of the villains rocking a new (but a bit impractical) lightsaber. OK...not as many people as I wanted to see but this is a teaser trailer after all so I'm sure we'll see more of the cast as the trailers go on.

This is Disney saying "STAR WARS IS BACK, BABY!!!"
As for the effects, well...did you expect anything less from a Star Wars movie? Their effects have always been impressive but here, they're really showing off what they can do with the new technology. Lightsabers, lasers, and the Millenium Falcon itself have never looked better and I can't wait to see them in action even more. John Williams is back to score as well, and it is so clear throughout the trailer with the classic Star Wars music playing as the action progresses.

Everyone: meet Disney's next big toy seller after "Big Hero 6", "Inside Out", and "The Good Dinosaur."
Well, there's not much left to say. I think I've made it clear that I am REALLY excited for this movie! The effects, cast, and music all signal that director J.J. Abrams and his team know what they're doing here. Come on, J.J., don't let us down.

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